How to Fix YouTube Shorts Not Showing-Working (today)

This post has been Last Updated 8 months ago by Kunal

yt shorts not showing or working overlay text we fix this

You might not be seeing the YouTube shorts feed right now, and there were no shorts on the YouTube browse feed (home). Previously we shared how to remove YouTube shorts, but this time, we’ll help you fix the YouTube shorts not showing and not working.

Applying one of the Hacks would fix the issue permanently.

If the YouTube shorts are not working and showing, it can be fixed by uninstalling the current version and updating it to the latest one, downloading the updated version from third-party sites.

5 Quick Ways to Apply When the YouTube Shorts Are Not Working

YouTube tutorials were our favorite topic, and shorts are now the most trending thing on YouTube. If it’s unavailable to you, that is a colossal disaster.

Few short videos playing on the right and on the text there text of youtube shorts not working and showing

1. Install and Reinstall the Updates

In 2022, uninstall the YouTube app updates if shorts are unavailable to you. To install the YouTube app updates, read this and show how you can do it right now.

  1. Open the device settings.
  2. Tap on the App.
  3. Select the YouTube App.
  4. Tap on the three dots from the top right corner.
  5. Select uninstall updates.

I have a secret to uninstalling the YouTube app, too, that nobody knows here.

2. Download YouTube from Third Party sites

You should download the app from third-party sites like uptodown, apkpure, etc. What happens when you install the app downloaded from a website instead of the Google Play Store?

uptodown youtube app downloading

Sometimes when the device does not support the newer updates, Google Play does not show you the updated version of the app that everyone else uses. It shows you the version which is more compatible with your device.

3. Report this to the Developer

We have shared this hack (tip) many times. You should report if the app has some issues, including crashing and restarting.

  1. Open the YouTube app on your mobile device.
  2. Look for the profile icon and tap on it. It’s located in the upper right-hand corner of the app.
  3. Scroll down the menu and tap on “Help & Feedback.”
  4. Next, tap “Send feedback” and provide a detailed description of the issue, including any error messages you may have received.
  5. Finally, click “Submit” to send your feedback to the YouTube developers.
developer contact from the google play store to report the issue

Reporting problems is just like a class monitor, which complains about bad things in the class to the teacher, and then the teacher fixes that.

This is what you need to follow right now. Report these issues where you cannot access YouTube shorts, and it’s not showing or working.

4. Use a different Gmail

If you’re looking to use a different Gmail account than the one you’re currently logged into, it’s pretty simple. All you need to do is follow these steps:

screenshots of multiples accounts on youtube app
  1. Open Gmail: Go to and sign out of your current account if you’re already logged in.
  2. Sign in with a different account: Click on the Sign In button and enter the email address and password for the Gmail account you want to use.
  3. Switch between accounts: Once you’re signed in, you can easily switch between your different Gmail accounts by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen and selecting the account you want to use.

5. Install the YouTube app updates

If you’re experiencing issues with YouTube Shorts not working, you can update your YouTube app to the latest version. Here’s how you can do that:

screenshot of updating youtube app with overlay text update app
  1. Open the app store on your mobile device: The Google Play Store for Android users or the App Store for iOS users.
  2. Search for YouTube: Use the search bar in the app store to find the YouTube app.
  3. Check for updates: If there’s an available update for YouTube, you’ll see an option to update the app. Click on this button to start the update process.
  4. Wait for the update to complete: Depending on your internet connection speed, the update process may take a few minutes. Once done, you should be notified that the app has been updated.
  5. Launch YouTube: After the update, open the YouTube app and check if Shorts works.

Updating your YouTube app can fix any issues causing Shorts not to work correctly. If you’re still having issues after updating, there may be other solutions that can help. You can clear the app cache or data, check your internet connection, or contact YouTube support for further assistance.

If you need help with YouTube Shorts not working or showing up, there are several things you can try. First, ensure you have the latest version of the YouTube app installed. If that doesn’t work, you can clear the app cache or data, restart your device, or use a different Gmail account. Reporting the issue to the developers can also help. And if all else fails, uninstalling and reinstalling the app or applying one of BackDroid’s hacks might do the trick. Follow these steps to get your YouTube Shorts working again.

Why are YouTube shorts not working?

If the shorts are not showing on the YouTube app, chances are it is due to using the older version of the app, the device incompatibility to run shorts, and the app using the old cached data, including the hidden cached files.

All the Ways to Fix the YouTube shorts not working and showing which needs to be applied

  1. Update the Youtube app.
  2. Clear the YouTube app cache.
  3. Restart the device a few times.
  4. Report the error to the developers.
  5. Use a different Gmail.
  6. Install the YouTube app updates.
  7. Clear all data of the app.
  8. Uninstall the YouTube app.
  9. At last, force stop the app.

Above I have listed all the ways that can be applied when the YouTube shorts are not accessible or not working on your device.

Fix Youtube Vanced Shorts Not Showing

Are you tired of being interrupted by pesky ads on YouTube? Look no further than YouTube Vanced – the modified version of the app that not only removes ads but also offers additional features. However, there has been a recent issue with the app not displaying Shorts. Wondering why? Here are a few possible reasons to consider:

  • YouTube may have blocked YouTube Vanced from accessing Shorts.
  • YouTube Vanced may have been updated to a version that does not support Shorts.
  • There may be a problem with your device or internet connection.

If you are having trouble with YouTube Vanced not showing Shorts, you can try the following:

  • Check to see if YouTube is blocked in your country or region.
  • Update YouTube Vanced to the latest version.
  • Restart your device.
  • Check your internet connection.

If you are still having trouble, you can contact the YouTube Vanced support team for help.


I hope you find this article helpful. Previously, we have written articles about the YouTube app and details from deleting the comments to creating a new channel on the app.

Today we showed all the proven steps that can fix the YouTube shorts not working errors. In this era, errors like the YouTube app not updating or others have increased so far.

Have a nice day!

Kunal Kashyap, the tech guru behind, simplifies complex tech issues with clear and user-friendly guides. With expertise in Android, iOS, and more, his tutorials empower users to tackle tech problems confidently. Kunal's engaging style makes technology accessible to both beginners and experts. Beyond tech, he explores psychology and keeps up with tech and business trends awarded by the Government and Namita Thapar.

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